Sr. No.Name of Expert contact detailsTopicSubject SemesterName of Inviting Faculty
1Mr. Rahul Nanaware
HR Manager,
Technsnavy, Pune
Technical Knowledge & Industrial Views-III/V Ms. Bhosale S.D
Corporate Trainer,
Technsnavy, Pune
Data Mining-III/VMs. Solapure S.V
Nature Care Center,Sangali
Environment-III/V Mr. Patil M.R
4Mr.Yogesh Babar
Tech. Support Engg.
Red hat linux s/w Pvt.Ltd,pune
Database Management-III/V Ms. Gaikkwad N.P
5Mrs. MedhaDravid
JetkingPvt.Ltd. Pune
Computer Network-IV/VI Ms. Jadhav R.S
6Mr. AmolAchrekar
Professional Anthropologist
Personality Development-IV/VI Ms. Jadhav R.S
7Mr. Prasad Gaikwad
HR Manager,
Goderej company,Shirwal
Personality Development-Ms. Gaikwad N.P
8Mr.Prafulha More
Senior Executive,
Goderejcompany, Shirwal
Industrial Views
-III/V Mr. Patil M.R